EPHYRAN origins

Athena is known for being the goddess of war, but she was also the goddess of peace, the protector and the guardian of the city. She didn’t like battles, and on the contrary, she was delighted when she was able to stop a fight. This is why she asked to the gods of the four elements: Hephaestus, god of fire, Poseidon, god of seas and water, Aeolus, god of winds and air, and Gaia, goddess of earth; to build a prestigious city-state: EPHYRAN! Each deity would be represented by its element and the aim would be to bring all the mythological creatures representative of the elements to live together! The deities got quickly down to work: a blue lagoon for the sea creatures, a fire mountain for the fire creatures, a forbidden forest for the flying creatures and a sacred land for the earth creatures…
It seems Athena couldn’t meet the challenge and today, the city-state has totally disappeared. Totally? The rumors say that the present-day town of Corinth is a vestige of the city-state and that it was actually built on EPHYRAN ruins…
The proof is that the city symbol is nothing but a winged stallion: Pegasus!
Will you be able to build EPHYRAN, Athena’s ideal city-state?