The Magical tokens
Some of the supports can make you win or steal an additional magical token to increase the prestige of your city.
When you win it, you take a “magical token” face down. Once you have seen its value, you have to immediately put it (face down) on an area of the territory. Both elements are now linked until the end of the game. Thus, if a Territory is destroyed or stolen, it will be with the magical token it comes with !
The player who steals the territory with a magical token on can look at its value before putting it (face down) back on his own city.
Number of players: from 2 to 4 players
Game duration: about 30 minutes
Age: from 8
Game overview
Each player takes the role of one of the gods and has to build the city-state of Ephyran as prestigious as possible.
The city-state must be composed of the 4 gods’ territories (each territory being divided into 4 areas): Poseidon’s lagoon (blue), Hephaestus’s mountain (red), Aeolus’s forest (green) and Gaia’s lands (brown).
To get the highest prestige, you will have to vary the mythological creatures that will live in your city, and add magical tokens offered by the gods. You can also try to get some of the areas which already come with these tokens...

Game Rules

Each card is divided in two.
On each part of the card there is either an area of a Territory or a Support. You will need to make the right choices to know which half-card you play and which one you sacrifice!
Half-card Territory
Area number: on each half-card the areas of territory are numbered from 1 to 4.
You need to have the 1st area of the territory before you can go on to build the 2nd area, the 3rd and finally the 4th!
Creature: there is a mythological creature on each half-card. Every different creature will make you win a prestige point for your city.
The magical tokens : some territories are already contain magical tokens : Zeus’s thunderbolt, Poseidon’s trident or Athena’s owl add prestige points to your city.
Each player receives (or chooses) the card of the god he represents and places it in front of him.
Each player receives a Dionysus card (leave the others apart) and draws four more cards in the pile. The first player puts the Athena token in front of him. Place the « magical tokens » face down near the playing area.

A game round
On each round, the players can choose between one of the following actions:
Add a Territory to their city (if possible) displaying them according to the territory type next to its god (only one copy of each territory is allowed in a city!).
Play a Support card.
Change a (non-covered) territory of their city by discarding it and replacing it immediately by another one.
Discard a card.
To end their round, the players take a new card on the top of the pile or of the discard pile.
The Supports
There are three of them:
Athena’s Support: allows you to make a special action in order to help the god building his city.
Ares’s Support: allows you to make a special action in order to slow down or to disturb the other gods during the construction of their city.
The other Supports: allows you to make your game round better by changing your way of taking cards.
The defence cards "Athena’s shield" and "Hecate" have various effects. With them, you can protect yourself or stop the effects of a special action (the red icons in the top left corner remind you which Supports can be blocked).
But you can also use them to lock or unlock a Territory.
CAUTION: Once played, the Support cards (and the cards concerned by the special action) are put onto a second discard pile. You cannot take a card from this pile.

Zeus’s thunderbolt brings 3 prestige points, Poseidon’s trident 2 points and Athena’s owl 1 point. Be careful, Ares’s helmet makes you lose 1 prestige point to your city!
Specific case: if you exchange a Territory with one of your own, the Magic token goes to the discard pile!

Dionysus is the god of celebration and madness.
He can look like every mythological creature and replace every area of Territory.
A player can also take a Dionysus card in the opponent’s city-state if he replaces it by the missing area of Territory and only if he immediately puts the card down in his own city-state.
You can play several Dionysus cards in the same city-state.
However, Dionysus counts as a creature and thus can only get one point by city-state (even if you have many/severals).
Having Dionysus on a territory does not enable you to win the Creatures Bonus.
End of the game
The game ends when the pile is empty (without thinking about the discard) or when a player puts the 16th card of his city-state.
Then the turn ends so that the players play the same number of cards, then it’s time to count the prestige points.
First, reveal the magical tokens of your city.
Then, count the prestige points according to the Territory, starting with your God’s territory:
Each different mythological creature makes 1 prestige point.
CREATURES BONUS : 4 different creatures (Dionysus excluded) bring 1 additional prestige point (that is to say 5 points for the territory).
Prestige points are added to each magical token on or added on your Territory.
The prestige points of my god’s territory are doubled. (for example: if I have 5 points of the Poseidon lagoon and that I play Poseidon, I get 10 points)
BONUS CITE : The first player to finish its city wins 3 additional prestige points. If other players also finish in the same turn, they win 1 additional prestige point.
The winner is the player who succeeds in building the most prestigious city of EPHYRAN for Athena.
